And here is her new vid for her single,Paparazzi, with the gorgeous Alexander Skarsgard {Eric the Vampire to you True Blood fans}
Images via: dlisted.com
S T R E E T S T Y L E, C O U T U R E, V I N T A G E, C E L E B S
I am so influenced by different types of artists that I don’t really know exactly what genre I’d be put in. There’s guitar so you know that’s rock and the melodies are pop because it’s repetitive. But it’s just music to me.
It was Zomba Records, which is affiliated with Jive. They offered me a development deal when I was 15 but they wanted me to be the next ‘Brandy Spears’ as they called it. Black so she’s 'Brandy,' 'Spears' because she’s Pop. I was like ‘no’. It was a great opportunity they were going to offer me money and my family had no money. So to me, a 15-year-old being able to help support my family — it was hard to turn it down, but I knew my career would have been over before it started.
I mean, for sure I question that, but who wouldn’t. She is supposedly a fan of mine. I try to take it as a compliment. It gets a little much when she starts getting the same tattoos as me but overall I just want people to separate the image and listen to the music. It’s about the music. Its like Prince and Michael Jackson, totally different artists. Or its like Kanye West and Jay-Z. So what? They are both black men, they sound different. So they both wear jeans, they are different. And why would you want the same type of artist?